Edge for Smart Secondary Substation (E4S) Alliance

  A community driving standards-based, open, interoperable, and secure architecture for the utilities
Increased demand for electricity puts a huge stress on power grid infrastructure, with the electrification of transportation, power storage, and requirements to maximize the utilization of renewables at the edge of the grid among the critical functions that the grid will be called upon to support. Adaptive “smart” grid control is crucial to enable operators to manage demand for power and reliability across the board. To deliver electricity reliably, we need to build the next-generation smart grid. The industry has created the Edge for Smart Secondary Substations (E4S) Alliance accelerates the creation of standards-based flexible, manageable, and interoperable platforms.


Modernization Initiative for Secondary Substations


E4S Alliance Members


Upcoming events and webinars

E4SAlliance  Announcements

E4S Alliance Expands Grid Digitalization Ecosystem
Today, Helen Electricity Network Ltd. (Helen) joining the Edge for Smart Secondary Substations (E4S) Alliance, created to . . .  Read more

For more information or to become a member, please contact us at  info@e4salliance.com
